Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Personal reaction to the online article "Racist Hunger Games Fans are Very Disappointed"

Jaspher Paras - “ Kk call me racist but when I found out rue was black her death wasn’t sad #ihatemyself “(“Racist Hunger Games Fans are Very Disappointed”). This is one of many reactions fans expressed on twitter, after finding out that some significant characters in the “Hunger Games” that they had felt an emotional attachment to were played by black actors in the film. The discrimination and prejudice taken place in the comments left by the fans personally makes me ill. As well as the fact that people in this world still have the ability to not feel for someone because of something so insignificant. While reading the novel, I have to admit that in Katniss’s description of Rue’s death in the novel gave me a really hard time, especially due to Suzanne Collins’s deeply descriptive writing voice. And the facts that someone else shared that experienced with me and then regret it due to skin color is simply disgusting. Furthermore, the actor playing the role of Cinna, is a globally known artist named Lenny Kravitz, who is loved by millions of people of every race. But, the fact that he was black severely bothered the senseless fans. With this said, I doubt any of these horribly racist people would dislike a kissing scene involving two white people and one of Lenny’s love song hits in the background. This reminds me of a quote I had read explaining the fact that every racist accepts what people they ‘hate’ have to offer, but still believe they are an inferior kind.

“ Dear racist,

Your car is Japanese. Your beer is German. Your wine is Spanish. Your democracy is Greek. Your coffee is Colombian. Your tea is Chinese. Your watch is Swiss. Your fashion is French. Your shirt is Indian. Your shoes are Thai. Your radio is Korean. Your vodka is Russian. And then you complain that your neighbor is an immigrant?

Sincerely, lets just all live and let live”

Works Cited.

Longley, Joe (@Joe_Longley).  “Racist Hunger Games Fans are Very Disappointed.”  Dodai Stewart. 26 Mar. 2012.   Web. 30 July 2012.

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